Traditional Feature-based Methods(Graphs)
Traditional ML Pipieline
Hand-crafted feature+ML model
Hand-crafted features for graph data
Node level:
Node degree,centrality,clustering coefficient,graphlets
Distance-based feature
local/global neighborhood overlap
Graphlet kernel ,WL kernel
Eigenvector centrality:
c_{v}=\tfrac{1}{\lambda }\sum_{u\in N(v)}^{}c_{u}
\lambda c=Ac
A:Adjacency matrix
A_{uv}=1\ \ \ if\ \ u\in N(v)
Betweenness centrality:
c_{v}=\sum_{s\neq v\neq t}^{}\frac{(shortest\ paths\ between\ s and\ t\ that\ contains\ v)}{(shortest\ path\ between\ s\ and\ t ) }
A node is important if it lies on many shortest paths between other nodes.
Closeness centrality:
c_{v}=\sum_{u\neq v}^{}\frac{1}{shortest\ path\ length\ between\ u\ and\ v }
A node is important if it has small shortest path lengths to all other nodes.
Clustering Coefficient
e_{v}=\frac{(edges\ among\ neighboring\ nodes)}{\binom{k_{v}}{2}}\in [0,1]
Graphlet Degree Vector (GDV):A count vector of graphlets rooted at a given node.
Two formulations of the link prediction task:
Links missing at random: Remove a random set of links and then aim to predict them
Links over time: Given G[to, to] a graph on edges up to timet, output a ranked list L of links (not in G[to, tó]) that are predicted to appear in G[t, t!]
How to compute paths between two nodes?
Adjacency Matrix
Distance-based feature
Uses the shortest path length between two nodes but does not capture how neighborhood overlaps
local/global neighborhood overlap
Captures how many neighboring nodes are shared by two nodes.
Becomes zero when no neighbor nodes are shared
Uses global graph structure to score two nodes.
Katz index counts #paths of all lengths between two nodes.
(Discrete Mathematics Final Homework)
Graphlet kernel :
Graph is represented as Bag-of-graphlets.
Counting the graphlets that combine into graph is difficult.
WL kernel:
Apply K-step color refinement algorithm to enrich node color.